

Number of underrepresented minority STEM field graduating with bachelor degrees.
During Year Four of Phase III1 (2020-21), the total number of underrepresented minoritystudents graduating with bachelor degrees in STEMfields from VA-NC Alliance partner institutions increased 154% above the baseline4.



Phase III  Year Four




Number of underrepresented minority students enrolled in STEM majors.

During Year Four of Phase III1 (2020-21), enrollment of underrepresented minority students in STEM majors at Alliance schools increased 102% above the baseline.


Phase III  Year Four 10,543


Highlights 2020-2021

  • From 2007-08 to 2020-21, the number of degrees obtained by underrepresented minorities in STEM increased by 354%.
  • During this same time period, the number of underrepresented minorities enrolled in STEM disciplines increased by 204%.


Publications & Products

View our 2007-2015 Impact Report here.

View our Transitions Workshop White Paper here.


1. Phase III refers to the third grant awarded to the VA-NC Alliance from the National Science Foundation totals 5 million dollars over a period of five years (2017-2022).


2. The National Science Foundation defines underrepresented minorities as students who self-identify as: Black or African American, Alaska Native, Native American, Latino or Hispanic American, and Native Hawaiian or other Native Pacific Islander.


3. STEM = science, technology, engineering, and math fields.


4.  Baseline figures are calculated from an average of academic years 2010-11 through 2014-15 for the Mid-level partners.  These do not include the newest partner schools' data.