About the Virginia–North Carolina Alliance

The Virginia–North Carolina Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation strives for diversification of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce.  Open to all, the Alliance emphasizes increasing the number of underrepresented students earning baccalaureate degrees with an emphasis on increasing the number of underrepresented minority students in STEM disciplines and matriculating to graduate school. Each of the eleven partner institutions offers individually tailored recruitment, retention, and enhancement activities to support students such as bridge programs, stipends, symposia, tutoring, mentoring, workshops, and research experiences.


Recent Opportunities for Students
Overview: Eaton Corporation is a partner of the Louis Stokes Midwest Regional Center of Excellence (LSMRCE) and encourages students from the LSAMP
The Virginia-North Carolina Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation looks forward to hosting its second Bridge to the Doctorate (BD) cohort in fall 2023 at Virginia Commonwealth University (…
VA–NC Alliance (LSAMP) students applying to graduate school at the University of Virginia may submit an application to the Office of Graduate Student Diversity Programs for a fee waiver.
Maurice Walker

One goal of the Virginia-North Carolina Alliance is diversification of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce

Maurice Walker


From 2007-08 to 2020-21, the number of degrees obtained by underrepresented minorities in STEM increased by 354%
From 2007-08 to 2020-21, the number of underrepresented minorities enrolled in STEM disciplines increased by 204%
Some other number that reflects something important about the program

Alliance Partners