Industry Internships

Research Opportunities for Undergraduates with the National Astronomy Consortium

Application Deadline: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 NRAO logo

The National Astronomy Consortium (NAC) is a program intended to increase the number of students, often under-served by the traditional academic pipeline, in STEM and STEM careers by placing them in a cooperative, diverse team over the summer and beyond. Led by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), the NAC pairs students with research mentors from NRAO and 4 partner host institutions to conduct research projects in topics such as astronomy, astrophysics, engineering, software development, public outreach, and project management.

Benefits: Generous summer stipend (amount varies by site), guided research project with mentorship, field trips, site specific activities before and during the summer, monthly professional development workshops, full funding to NAC fall conference in Washington, DC and the winter AAS meeting for current cohort, travel grants as an alumni, additional summer research opportunities, graduate application fee waivers, leadership opportunities, graduate bridge scholarships, and more!

Potential Host Sites:
• NRAO (Charlottesville, VA)
• NRAO (Socorro, NM)
• Michigan State University
• Princeton University
• University of Wisconsin-Madison
• Space Telescope Science Institute

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