Who: students and alumni from VA–NC Alliance partner institutions
The purpose of this research study is to examine factors impacting a student's academic success, retention, and graduation in STEM disciplines, and post-graduation career plans.
• Participation in this project entails completing a web-based survey. The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete and all responses will be kept completely confidential and viewed only by the researchers.
• The researchers do not perceive more than minimal risks from involvement in this study.
• The results of this research may be presented at national conferences or summarized for publications. The results of this project will be coded in such a way that individual responses are confidential, and only aggregate data will be presented.
• Participation is completely voluntary. Participants are free to choose not to participate and may withdraw at any time without consequence.
• If you have any questions about the study, please contact Dr. Holly Jackson at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) – jacksonhd@vcu.edu.
VA–NC Alliance Research Study Fall 2022 Presentation:
What’s Your STEMspiration?: Adaptation and Validation of A Survey Instrument - Published in Frontiers in Education, methods article examining the longitudinal effectiveness and impact of the VA–NC Alliance. Authored by Dr. Rosalyn Hobson Hargraves, Ms. Kristin L. Morgan, Dr. Holly Jackson, Dr. Kelly Feltault, Dr. Jasmine Crenshaw, Dr. Kevin G. McDonald, and Dr. Marcus L. Martin.
Survey Instrument:
To request the measures from the instrument used in the “What’s Your STEMspiration?” study, please complete this form.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Have a question about the study? Download the FAQ document.
Institutional Review Board Details:
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at VCU. If you have any questions about participant rights, please feel free to contact them at 804-828-0868. This study's ID number is: HM20013327.