Alliance |
Participating Institutions |
Contact Information |
Eligibility Requirements |
Additional Information |
All Nations Alliance for Minority Participation (ANAMP) |
Salish Kootenai College (lead institution)
Steve Dupuis
Participated as an LSAMP student as an undergraduate
University of Idaho hosting 2019-2021 BD cohort site
Alabama LSAMP |
Alabama A&M University
Dr. Joan Barth
Bachelor's degree in a STEM program from an LSAMP institution; Minimum 3.0 GPA; Acceptance into Graduate School; Meet the requirements of a STEM graduate department or program; Demonstrated commitment to pursuing a doctoral degree in a STEM discipline; U.S. citizen or permanent resident |
Provides $30,000 annual stipend; Cost-of-education allowance for tuition & fees; Health insurance; Mentoring program; Conference and research travel opportunities; Seminars and workshops; Graduate and professional student associations; Academic enrichment; Diverse and interactive community |
Arkansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (ARK-LSAMP) |
Arkansas State University (A-State)
Dr. Jorge Almodovar
Participation in an undergraduate LSAMP program |
California Alliance for Minority Participation |
UC Irvine
Kika Friend
Verified participation in CAMP or LSAMP program at undergraduate institution; Bachelor's degree in any STEM field (M.S. students are not eligible); Minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA; Admitted to UCI STEM PhD program; U.S. citizen or permanent resident |
Provides graduate application fee waiver and full graduate tuition, fees, and stipend for 5 years commencing Fall 2015; Professional development, workshops and seminars; Support in applying for dissertation fellowships; Community and resources |
California State University Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CSU-LSAMP) |
California State at Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Dominquez Hills, Fullerton, Fresno (Fresno State, BD site), Long Beach, Los Angeles, Monterey Bay, Northridge, Sacramento, San Marcos, Stanislaus
Dr. Sharon Benes
Must have participated in an LSAMP program at any university or community college |
Provides $30,000 stipend per year for two years as long as the targeted goals are achieved; LSAMP-BD will pay for tuition and fees, limited health insurance, research supplies, and travel to professional conferences to present research results. Fresno State is hosting 2020 BD cohort - |
Colorado-Wyoming Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CO-WY AMP) |
Adams State University
Dr. Beverly Marquart
Participation in an undergraduate LSAMP program |
Provides $30,000 annual stipend plus tuition reimbursement for two years
Florida-Georgia LSAMP |
Albany State University
Dr. Maurice Edington |
Underrepresented U.S. minorities as defined by NSF; Holder of a B.S. degree in a STEM discipline from an undergraduate LSAMP institution; One who is admitted to or intends to apply to a graduate degree program in a STEM-related field |
Provide a $32,000 stipend, full tuition and fees and student health insurance for up to two years (24 months) for new graduate students arriving fall 2019 and 2020. Thereafter, participating departments, colleges, and research advisors will commit to supporting fellows in good academic standing for the remaining portion of their doctoral programs.
Garden State (GS-LSAMP) |
Albany State University
Dr. Alexander Gates
Participation in an undergraduate LSAMP program |
Provides $32,000 annual stipend plus tuition over the first two years for a cohort of 12 graduate students arriving on campus in fall 2020. Those departments will then commit to supporting these doctoral candidates during years three through five of their Ph.D. programs with fellowships, teaching assistantships, etc.
Illinois Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (ILSAMP) |
Chicago State University (lead institution)
Dr. Christopher Botanga
Participation in an undergraduate LSAMP program |
Provides $32,000 stipend for the first 2 years of doctoral study; full tuition and fee support; travel assistance for participation in regional and national research conferences; participation in local skills workshops; professional development and networking; Bridge to the Doctorate Summer Institute
Kentucky - West Virginia Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (KY-WV LSAMP) |
Bluegrass Community and Technical College
Dr. David Blackwell (Principal Investigator, Provost and Chief Academic Officer of the University of Kentucky)
Participation in an undergraduate LSAMP program |
Louis Stokes Mississippi Alliance for Minority Participation |
Alcorn State University
Dr. Ashton T. Hamme II
BS Degree in STEM; Minimum GPA of 3.0; Participated in an undergraduate LSAMP program; Committed to pursuing a doctoral degree; Acceptance to the program's Graduate School; U.S. or Permanent Citizen |
Provides $30,000 annual stipend; Full graduate tuition and fees; Mentoring assistance; Academic enrichment; Academic year research experiences; Summer research experiences; Travel to conferences; Workshops/Seminars/Speakers Series |
North Carolina LSAMP |
Fayetteville State University
| |
Participation in an undergraduate LSAMP program; U.S. citizen or permanent resident; Unconditionally accepted as a new STEM graduate student at NCA&T; Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in a STEM undergraduate minor; Commitment to pursuing a Ph.D. in a STEM discipline |
Annual BD Fellowship of $32,000; Tuition and normal fees, including health insurance; Academic and professional development, including research and professional development opportunities in STEM fields |
Northeast LSAMP |
Northeastern University
Joy Erickson
Completed B.S. degree in a STEM discipline; Accepted by UCONN Graduate School; Participated in an LSAMP program during the B.S. degree program or have graduated from a college/university with a LSAMP program; Member of a qualifying population (African American, Hispanic American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, or Native Pacific Islands) |
Provides two years of fellowship support ($30,000/calendar year plus tuition); Recruiting, mentorship, and professional development measures aimed at ensuring a quality academic experience, full retention, educational success, community building and career attainment |
Oklahoma LSAMP |
Cameron University
Brenda Morales
Participation in an undergraduate LSAMP program; Completion of an undergraduate degree in a STEM discipline; U.S. citizenship or permanent residency; Minimum 3.0 GPA; Acceptance by OSU Graduate College STEM department; Commitment to pursue the Ph.D. in a STEM discipline |
Provides $32,000 annual stipend for two years; RA/TA positions; Tuition and fee supplements; Tuition and fee supplements; Tuition waiver; Research projects in state-of-the-art laboratories with faculty mentoring and coaching; Travel opportunities to present research projects at conferences; Opportunity to be active in diversity initiatives |
Pacific Northwest Louis Stokes Alliance (PNW LSAMP) |
Boise State University
Dr. June Hairston
Must be admitted to a Boise State STEM M.S. or Ph.D. program for fall 2020.
Stipend of $32,000 annually for the first 2 years. Tuition and fee supplement, up to $12,000 annually; Continued funding support at unit level; Through to graduation with a doctorate (presuming making adequate progress towards degree); Community building among bridge to doctorate fellows; Individual faculty mentors provided to Fellows; Participation in annual PNW LSAMP Alliance Conference and Graduate Showcase.
Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance For Minority Participation (PR-LSAMP) |
University of Puerto Rico - Aguadilla
Dr Ubaldo M. Cordova
Participation in an undergraduate LSAMP program | |
South Carolina Alliance for Minority Participation (SCAMP) |
Benedict College
Dr. Rajendra Bordia
Participation in an undergraduate LSAMP program | |
Binghamton University
David Ferguson
Participated in LSAMP program; Obtained a bachelor's degree in a STEM discipline; Be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident; Have a minimum GPA of 3.0; Accepted into a STEM graduate program; Want to pursue a doctoral degree in a STEM discipline |
Provides student stipends of $30,000 annually; Health insurance; Paid tuition and fees; Supportive Bridge to the Doctorate Fellow community; An individualized academic and career preparation program; Mentoring by advanced graduate students; Research opportunities with faculty; Participation in professional conferences and meetings |
Texas A&M System LSAMP |
Texas A&M University
Dr. Shannon Walton
U.S. citizen or permanent resident; Accepted into a Master's or Doctorate program in STEM; Be in good academic standing; Possess an interest in research; Completed an undergraduate degree at an LSAMP institution |
Provides annual stipend of $32,000 for two years; An allotment of $10,500 distributed in fall and spring semesters for the cost of education expenses for two years; Networking opportunities with other students within the Texas A&M University System; Opportunities to improve research and presentation skills.
University of Texas System LSAMP |
University of Texas, Arlington
LSAMP Staff (Lead Institution) -
U.S. citizen or permanent resident; Admitted to a UT Arlington STEM BS to Ph.D. or Ph.D. program; Participated in an LSAMP undergraduate program; Strong commitment to pursuing and completing a Ph.D. degree; Satisfactory GPA |
Provides tuition, student health insurance & fees waiver; Student stipend of $32,000 annually; Faculty mentoring; Participation in professional conferences and meetings; Links to research and professional opportunities; Enriched academic services and support |
University System of Maryland LSAMP |
University of Maryland College Park
Chelsey Lamar
Must be admitted to a University of Maryland STEM M.S. or Ph.D. program; Must be a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident; Provide evidence of participation in LSAMP programs from the LSAMP Director or Faculty at undergraduate institution |
Provides student stipends, up to $32,000 annually; Tuition and fee supplement, up to $12,000 annually. Faculty mentoring and advising; Links to research and internship opportunties; Opportunities to participate in national and professional conferences; Enriched academic services and support |
Virginia-North Carolina Alliance |
Howard University
Maurice Walker
Must be admitted into a STEM Ph.D. at the University of Virginia; Must have been a Level 1 LSAMP student as an undergraduate |
Provides $32,000 stipend; Cost of education allowance including: tuition and university fees, health insurance; Funding guaranteed for up to six years for students in good academic standing; Mentoring institute; Support for writing fellowship applications
Washington-Baltimore-Hampton Roads LSAMP |
Howard University
Please call (202) 865-8658 to ascertain the WBHR-LSAMP university at which the program will be sponsored. |
U.S. citizen or permanent resident; Participated in LSAMP program at undergraduate level; First-time graduate student; Accepted to Howard University Graduate School in a STEM discipline; Recommended by two faculty members from his/her home school or from the Howard graduate program |
Provides full tuition support and a stipend of $30,000 per year for the first two years |
Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (formally Mountain States Alliance) |
Arizona State University
Dr. Ana Moore
Participation in an undergradaute LSAMP program |
University of Arizona has a 2018-2020 BD cohort